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    Fran Caffey Sandin

    About Fran

    Fran is a registered nurse and organist, retired, and lives with her husband, Jim, in northeast Texas. The couple is active in their church where Jim teaches a Bible class and Fran is the pianist. She is a member of AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association) and has been interviewed on radio and television in the U.S. and Canada. Fran enjoys flower arranging, baking, and being a hostess. Traveling, hiking, reading, and participating in community events are favorite activities.

    A graduate of Texas Woman’s University, Fran authored See You Later, Jeffrey (Tyndale House, 1988), a touching account of God’s faithfulness in her journey following the death of her son plus encouraging insights for others facing grief. The book has been translated into Russian and widely distributed in the Ukraine and in Germany. EA Books published it in 2015 with the option of digital downloads.

    Her book, Touching the Clouds: Encouraging Stories to Make Your Faith Soar (NavPress, 2003) is currently available with a new cover as Touching the Clouds: True Stories to Strengthen Your Faith (EA Books, 2015) and Kindle option. Fran interviewed fifteen godly women and wrote their story in first person. She described an element of faith demonstrated in their handling of life’s greatest disappointments. At the close of each chapter is a Faith-Lifter to help the reader gain insight in managing their own life challenges.

    Fran’s latest book, Hope on the Way: Devotions to Go (Roaring Lambs, 2020) includes 52 stories. The Sandin’s have traveled near and far, from Texas to Michigan, New York, Italy, Norway, New Zealand, and beyond. Through applying Biblical principles to her own life, and observing them in others, the reader will discern ways God impacts life in seasons of both heartache and joy.

    After participating in Bible Study Fellowship and Community Bible Study, Fran’s desire is to introduce others to Jesus and encourage them by showing how Scripture impacts daily living, our attitudes, and actions.

    Fran and Jim are proud of their beautiful daughter and son-in-law who have given them two granddaughters and a grandson, all are outstanding. The Sandin’s have two sons, Jeffrey and Steve, awaiting them in Heaven.