“What are you doing here, Elijah?” He said, “I alone am left…” …but God said, “7,000 in Israel have not bowed to Baal.” (Excerpts from I Kings 19: 13-18 NASB).

Me go to Sin City? I don’t think so. Those were my thoughts when my husband, Jim, said, “I plan to attend a medical meeting in Las Vegas to learn about some new technology and I’d like you to go with me.”

At first, I resisted because I felt disgusted by the gambling, bawdy shows, and the saying I had heard, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”—like you would not want anyone at home to know what happened there. However, I wanted to support Jim as the conference information would be helpful, so I relented. Thankfully, Jim’s mom took care of our two children.

The clicking sounds of slot machines permeated the airport lobby—it seemed they were everywhere, but our quiet hotel room became a calming oasis. On Monday morning while Jim attended his workshop, I thought Surely some church has a Tuesday morning Bible Study. So, I scanned the yellow pages (yes, this was several years ago 😊) and began calling church offices. The ones I called first did not have a women’s group meeting on Tuesday, but finally, one secretary said “yes.” I wrote the address and kept the phone number.

On Tuesday morning the doorman hailed a taxi for me. The driver was friendly and said, “Lady, you are the first person I have taken to church.” That was a little unsettling, but opened our conversation and during the long drive, I shared a brief testimony, explained my interest in Bible study, and gave him a gospel tract. He offered to pick me up if I needed a ride back to the hotel and I thanked him graciously with a nice tip.

At the small community church about 15 women welcomed me, and I enjoyed their Bible study and prayer time. Afterward, an attractive young lady asked, “Would you like to join me for a Christian Women’s Club luncheon? I have an extra ticket.” I excitedly answered, “I would love to.” So, as she drove us to the swanky hotel, she explained that she had once been an unhappy showgirl, but a friend witnessed to her, and when she received Jesus as Savior, she experienced joy for the first time, found a new job, and faithfully attends church.

Glaring lights and Casino sounds assaulted me as we entered the hotel, and I wondered if I had made a mistake. Then my new friend motioned toward the escalator. We rode to the second floor and entered a beautiful enormous ballroom filled with probably 200 or more women seated at large round tables. Wow! I felt humbled that the Lord allowed me to experience the contrast of that lower floor and the upper floor…and I felt convicted of my pride in jumping to the wrong conclusion, thinking I would be the only one in Las Vegas interested in a Christ-centered event.

It reminded me of the verses in I Kings that described how Elijah felt so alone after he had escaped from Jezebel, but God assured him that 7,000 others had not bowed to the idol of Baal.
We can be assured that no matter where we go, even in “sin city,” we will find many who love and worship the Lord. To God be the glory!