Disappointment comes in different ways. If we have lived very long, we cannot escape the sting.

My conference in Orlando, Florida had ended, and at the airport, I couldn’t wait to shop at the Disney store to buy something for my new granddaughter, Emily. I cleared the security checkpoint in Lobby A and rode the people mover out to gate area. After browsing in the store, I found the perfect item and reached for my purse. It wasn’t there! Oh no! I had my attaché case, but I must have left my shoulder bag on the security line. I must rush back to Lobby A. Will I ever see my purse again?

With a nervous, sinking feeling in my stomach and a pounding pulse, I accidentally boarded the wrong people mover to Lobby B instead of Lobby A. So, I rode back to the gate and found the correct people mover. When I ran to the Lobby A security area and inquired, the uniformed attendant opened a drawer, picked up my purse, opened it, checked the driver’s license, and she said, “This looks like you. Here’s your purse!”

“Thank you! thank you!” I yelled, while breathlessly running to catch the next ride to the gate. While I almost missed my flight, I felt even more disappointed to go home without a gift for Emily. That is only one example when my inattention to detail had disheartening results. It was all my fault.

However, I have also been devastated over much more serious situations that were beyond my control… two miscarriages, the deaths of our two sons, and my father’s suicide.

Those daunting experiences caused me to wonder…God, where are You?
Three realizations from my Bible Study offered reassurance that HE had not forgotten me.

God Cares and He Wants Us to Remember His Mercy

When Israel was going through hard times, Isaiah reminded them of God’s love.
“I will recount the steadfast love of the Lord, the praises of the Lord, according to all that the Lord has granted us and the great goodness to the house of Israel that He has granted according to His compassion, according to the abundance of His steadfast love” (Isaiah 63: 7 ESV).

In subsequent verses, God expressed tenderness and sympathy in their affliction. He is merciful, indicating He understands our sorrows and grief. Also, I found comfort reading and meditating on Psalm 103 and Psalm 119.

Faith Grows During Difficulties

“Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him (Hebrews 11: 6 ESV).

In Hebrews the writer describes how the Christians suffered and enlarged their trust in the Lord. Beyond their painful memories faith was quickened and renewed. In difficult times we cry out to God. I began writing out my honest prayers to Him and gained spiritual strength. I rested in His understanding and loving arms.
God’s Grace is Sufficient

“See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no ‘root of bitterness’ springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled” (Hebrews 12: 15 ESV). God’s grace is a gift that we reach out and receive so we may be fruitful for the body of Christ. We live in a fallen world with many disappointments, but God’s amazing grace is sufficient.

So, let us remain thankful, steadfast, believing, and loyal to God while we share His faithfulness and prayerfully anticipate His ultimate victorious plan.