The world’s tallest tower stands in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The first observation deck rises to 1,136 feet and the second is even higher at 1,815 feet. Photographs and information located inside the tower help visitors comprehend the enormous undertaking of the project. Sixty-two tons of earth and shale were removed from fifty feet into the ground for laying the concrete that rises to the sky.

From 1972 to 1974, 3,000 workers were at the tower site. Harnessed by safety ropes, some of the laborers dangled outside the giant for their finishing work. Remarkably, no one sustained injuries nor died on location.

Today a rapid elevator transports visitors upward for a breathtaking view of the city and all surrounding areas. Many say, “It was worth the money, time, and effort required to build the CN Tower.” As I stood atop the tower and viewed the tiny objects below, I thought about our great God. Although He created the world and everything in it, He also knows each individual
and is aware of our daily needs and struggles. Amazing!

Just as the tower needed a deep foundation for its support, we, too, need a firm foundation for facing life each day. As we pray, spend time with our Heavenly Father, we are strengthening our spiritual foundation, our support base for life. We can see more from His point of view and not just our own. Thus, we are not overwhelmed by whatever comes our way. When we feel we’re hanging on the edge or suspended in mid-air, we can take courage in knowing He is holding us—firmly planted— in the palm of His hand. His foundation is strong and sure, and He will not crumble and fall.

But you may be wondering…How do I apply scripture to life?

“Let those who love the LORD hate evil, for He guards the lives of His faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked. Light is shed upon the righteous and joy on the upright in heart. Rejoice in the LORD, you who are righteous, and praise His holy name” (Psalm 97: 10-12 NIV).

A few days after reading this verse, I thought of my grandchildren. I want them to know how important it is to love the Lord, to discern good from evil, and to hate evil. Then the Lord will guard them and deliver them from the hand of the wicked, and we will all rejoice and praise His holy name. That is my prayer as I encourage them to establish their own foundation based on God’s Word and their relationship with Him. I pray daily for their protection physically, mentally, emotionally. (It is good to memorize Psalm 1).

That is just one example of Bible application. May we search God’s Word and spend time building our relationship with Him. In doing so, we will replace our fears with faith. That spiritual foundation, Jesus Christ, the rock, enables us to stand firm and tall and rise above our circumstances, whatever they may be.

Dear Father, please help us to remain faithful, seek You daily, study, listen to the Holy Spirit, apply your word, and build a strong foundation for our lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.