What does the future hold for us? Many are concerned about the condition of our nation in 2024, as we see the moral decline, government over-reach, plus the loss of individual freedom to conduct our lives and businesses according to conscience and religious convictions. However, we can have peace with God amid the storms through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. We never know what a day may bring, and the most important decision we can make is to be ready. Billy Graham illustrates the point so beautifully as he talked about Andy Meakins, a Englishman he knew who served the Lord and served in Africa for many years.

In 1996 an Ethiopian Airlines flight was hijacked and crashed into the ocean just off the Comoros Islands after running out of fuel—the moment of impact was caught on home video and broadcast around the world. Only later did we learn about the dramatic event that occurred in the cabin.

Andy Meakins and his wife were on that plane, seated together. The hijackers demanded to be flown to Australia even though there wasn’t nearly enough fuel for that distance. As they neared the Comoros Islands in the Indian Ocean, one engine flamed out, and the pilot told passengers that the remaining engine would soon run out of fuel as well. Immediately, Andy’s wife heard the snap of a seatbelt being unbuckled and turned to see her husband stand up.

‘Many of us might die in this crash,’ he called out, ‘so there’s something you need to know.’ Andy then began explaining the Gospel simply and urgently, moving to each part of the cabin so that everyone would hear. He invited people to place their trust in Jesus Christ in repentance and faith. A flight attendant heard Andy’s words, bowed her head, and asked Jesus to forgive her sins and come into her heart. She watched many more respond and, along with another survivor, later told the story. Of the 175 people on board, 125 died, including Andy, who was still on his feet preaching the Gospel as the plane hit the water.

Everyday tens of thousands of people slip from this world into eternity—the vast majority unprepared, “dead in trespasses and sins” (Ephesians 2:1, NKJV). We need to take every opportunity to share the love of Jesus Christ and the truth of the Gospel, the only message that will make a difference to a lost soul. Just like an airplane going down, time is running out.

Andy Meakins used his life to witness every day, and he did so to his last breath.”
Billy Graham’s account reminds us to ask ourselves…Are we prepared to face each day as though it was our last? So, what happens next?

Personally, I have two sons waiting for me in Heaven. When God calls me home, I will join them with rejoicing. So, I live every day with the assurance that eternal life means forever in the presence of the Lord and with the members of my family who have gone before. Are you ready? Prepared? Jesus is the answer.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3: 16 NIV).