For You created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful. I know that full well” (Psalm 139:13,14 NIV).

Our adopted grandson and his wife expected their baby to arrive later, but Easton made his grand entrance early at 34 weeks. Thankfully he is 4 pounds, 5 ounces., growing, and making progress. His mom is doing well, too. The family hosted a baby shower in June, so we are all excited and can’t wait to meet our newest member.

We can encourage this young couple with accounts of others who have had premature babies. For instance, Derrick Hall was coming early at 2 pounds, 9 ounces. The doctor warned his mother that Derrick had a one percent chance of survival, he would probably not be able to walk or talk or even have quality of life. Having faith and trusting her instincts, the mother would not sign abortion papers because she wanted to give him a chance at life. Derrick not only survived, but he also thrived. In fact, the 6-foot 3 inch, 252-pound Auburn University football player began his rookie season with the NFL Seattle Seahawks in 2023.

Denise, my friend’s daughter, had a similar experience. Her baby was not gaining weight at her prenatal checkup. The doctor was concerned that her son would be brain-damaged and disabled if he survived. He encouraged her to have an abortion. Denise began crying and her husband spoke up to say, “Skylar is our son, and we want him to live, no matter what.” Skylar was born at 2 pounds, 5 ounces, perfectly formed, just tiny. He even let out a little sheep-like cry at birth. Today, Skylar is a healthy, godly, respected young man in his twenties. He works a full-time job and is musically gifted as the worship leader guitarist in his church.

During our travels to another state, my husband, Jim, and I were surprised to hear and see a young woman yelling on a street corner, “It’s my body, it’s my choice!” As she chanted it repeatedly, it seemed she was trying to convince herself that a baby’s life doesn’t matter. It does. The late Senate Chaplain, Peter Marshall, once said, “May we think of freedom not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do right.”

We thank God for our local Crisis Pregnancy Center where a young lady who chooses to keep her baby is honored, given spiritual, emotional, and material assistance. Even fathers have an opportunity for counseling by the Christian man on the staff. One guy asked for help because he did not have a dad growing up and he wanted to know what to do. He received practical tips at the clinic. Just this year, 168 babies have been saved locally and families given support.

God is our creator and sustainer. Every life, whether born early or late, has a purpose. Let’s celebrate life for each one is fearfully and wonderfully made in His image.