And Samuel said, “If you are returning to the Lord with all your hearts, then rid yourselves of the foreign gods and the Ashtoreth’s and commit yourselves to the Lord and serve Him only, and He will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines” (I Samuel 7: 3NIV).

This Old Testament account reminded me of an incident when my husband, Jim, and I were in China. As we approached a Buddhist shrine, our Chinese tour guide said, “Do not step on the threshold. It keeps out the evil spirits.” So, we stepped over the raised threshold to view the giant golden Budda image. Nauseous incense wafted through the air as our guide lit a candle to worship the idol. As believers in Jesus Christ, Jim and I felt spiritually oppressed by the idol, the lie, and superstition. We exited quickly and felt relieved. Budda is dead, but Jesus lives.

Samuel spoke because Israel had fallen into apostasy and even the priest and his sons were complacent. Furthermore, they lost the battle with the Philistines who stole the Ark of God as a good luck charm. So, Israel was left with both the loss of lives and the Ark of God.

The Philistines thought their god would be supreme when they placed the Ark of God in their temple. Not so. The next morning, they found their god, Dagon, (father of Baal) had fallen face down before the Ark of God. They set the idol up, but the following morning, Dagon fell again. This time his head and both hands were broken and landed on the threshold. Only his torso remained. To this day, no one who enters Dagon’s house will tread on the threshold.

The Ark symbolized God’s presence but did not guarantee His favor. God brought on the agony of tumors and rats. The Philistines transferred the Ark to Gath for a while and then to Ekron where more people were afflicted with tumors and dying. Finally, the Philistines returned the Ark to Israel.

Samuel told the Israelites if they would serve the Lord only and remove their idols, the Lord would deliver them from the Philistines. He acknowledged God’s faithfulness by erecting a “stone of remembrance or stone of help.” Israel had turned back to God and The Ebenezer stone became a symbol of Israel’s reverse in behavior.

The men who received the Ark from the Philistines asked, “Who can stand in the presence of the LORD, this holy God?” I must also ask myself the same question.
Our enemy, Satan, strives to lure us away from complete submission to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. What modern-day idols entice us away from our personal time alone with Him? Could it be social media, entertainment, sports, or other endeavors, not necessarily wrong, but do they take precedent over our time with the Lord?
Our God is the God of second chances, forgiveness, renewal, and refreshment. He loves us with everlasting love. Jesus is our threshold, the open door to all who believe Truth. He is the Son of God who shed his blood to pay the penalty for our sins. His Holy Spirit guides and comforts us.

Let us boldly choose the threshold of faith in the Living God and commit our lives wholeheartedly to our LORD. He welcomes us, and we need His powerful presence to deliver us from evil influences in our day.